martes, 23 de agosto de 2016

The grand Mosque of Paris

What connections do you find between the passage The Grand Mosque of Paris and the KEY CONCEPT of the unit (connections), and how is it also related with the KEY CONCEPTS of units 1 and 2 (Culture and Creativity)?

The key concept (connections) is very relationed with this reading, because this history talk about the Nazi ocuppation in France, and the connections that are learned in class, because one of the term in this connections was "The World War II" and in this history talk o about the situation in France, and the resistance of the muslims people. Also the culture is a key concept because, in there can see the perspective of the french people to the Nazis, how culture was changed for the Nazi ocuppation. And in the Creativity is something that doesn't have more relation of this history, and if have a relation, we can tell about the catacombs, that are made for the kabyles, and the resistance, to crouched down or even crawled the people.

An experience Nazi
When I escaped  from the Nazi occupation, I was scared, because , they want to sent me in an intercamp, and I listened about how they torment the jewish people. The first thing that I do was find helo